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Five of our Burns Night must-haves!

Burns Night, celebrated on the 25th January, is the annual remembrance of Scottish poet Robert Burns’ birthday. 

Back in July 1801, nine of Burns’ close friends got together to mark the fifth anniversary of their friend’s death. Taking place at Burns Cottage in Alloway, the night included food, performances of Burns’ work and a speech in honour of the late poet. The night was such a success they decided to hold it again in honour of Robert’s birthday, kicking off the tradition we still enjoy to this day.

Hosting your own Burns Night Supper this year? These are our top 5 traditions to consider:

Piping in the guests 

Ok, so it might be a bit of a push to get a piper in just for welcoming your guests but it sure does set the scene! The people of Leamington Spa were serenaded by Pat and his bagpipes a couple of years ago outside the shop.

You could download a suitable playlist to pipe through your speakers instead.


Selkirk Grace

The Selkirk Grace is the traditional thanksgiving poem recited prior to the meal being served.











The menu

Our favourite part of the night! Of course we all know about the haggis (the star attraction and traditionally piped in to the room to great delight) but there is more to a Burns Night menu than that!
A starter of Cock-a-Leekie soup is served before the main course of Haggis, neeps (swede or yellow turnip) & tatties (potato) also known as Haggis wi’ bashit neeps an’ champit tatties 

Dessert is either a Clootie Dumpling (steamed pudding with spices and dried fruit) or Cranachan (oats, cream, whisky and raspberries) and all of that is followed by a cheeseboard with Scottish oatcakes.

A feast for sure!

Auld Lang Syne

Once the after-dinner entertainment of ceilidh dancing, speeches or performances of Burns’ work has been enjoyed everybody gets up to belt out Auld Lang Syne (consider providing lyrics if you’re doing the full version!)


Before, during, after – as long as the haggis is splashed with a wee dram before eating, the rest is yours to enjoy throughout the night!
Head to Leamington Wine Company for a fantastic selection of Scotch.


Whether you’re planning a traditional Burns Night supper or just fancy picking a couple of elements to enjoy over the weekend, you can find a great range of Scottish food in the shop in time for the 25th January.
Our MacSween haggis includes a variety of sizes and even comes with vegetarian and gluten-free options. 
Our chef will be preparing Cock-a-Leekie soup, neeps and tatties and Cranachan and our cheese shop will have a great selection of Scottish cheeses to suit all tastes.

Call us on 01926 311208 to place an order.

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